Purchasing Process
All purchase orders for technology-related items of $200 or more must go to the District Computer Operations Manager first for approval. Items or groups of items of more than $5000 must be bid with a minimum of three price quotes. Items or groups of items of more than $10,000 must be "formally bid" and go before the LCBOE.
Failure to adhere to the above requirements may result in:
Paying too much for the technology purchased
Not getting the best technology for your desired results
Getting technology inconsistent with system network configurations or system direction
Getting technology more difficult to service and support by local staff
Dependency on outside vendors for service and support of the new item
Getting less quality and frequent trouble with hardware and software
Staff members at any school or in any program may directly purchase technology-related items for their programs using accepted purchase methods for that program and for Lamar County Schools. Those methods dictate that you should:
Request a quote through the help ticket system
Complete a purchase request
Complete a Purchase Order for school/BOE funds
Get the principal or building supervisor's signature
Get the technology director's signature
Order the materials through the school
Complete the paperwork for invoices to be paid by the school
Work with the technology staff for installation and configuration