LCS Board Members:


Central Office Staff: 

LCS Board Members

Board of Education Goals

Our Mission
Learn today to succeed tomorrow!

Our Vision
Lamar County Schools will provide all students with
an equitable and excellent education that prepares
them for college, career, and life.

Our Beliefs:

  1. Students are the first priority. Every decision and action must be based on the needs of our children.

  2. A safe and positive learning environment is critical for student, faculty, and staff success.

  3. Every employee of the Lamar County School System has a direct impact on student success. 

  4. The alliance between homes, schools, and the community promotes students’ success. 

  5. All Lamar County schools will provide a caring environment that embraces diversity, models respect, and develops responsibility. 

  6. All students can experience academic growth with engaging, rigorous, and individualized learning. 

  7. All students deserve well equipped, highly qualified, and motivated teachers who believe in each student’s ability to learn. 

  8. Families can support our schools’ goals by ensuring students attend school regularly; participate in school activities; and teach/model quality character, values, and behavior. 

  9. Our families and our community are integral to our students’ and our schools’ success. 

  10. Education improves the quality of life for all Lamar County residents.

LCS Board Members

Ron Smith 

Board Member

Email Ron Smith 

 James Butler

 James Butler 

Danny Turner

Danny Turner

Board Member

Email Danny Turner


Robyn Roache

Board Member

Email Robyn Roache


Glen Allen

Board Member

Email Glenn Allen

Open Records Officer: Email Sherrelle Ogletree, Director of Personnel and Public Relations

Alternate Opens Records Officer:  Dr. Roberts, Asst. Superintendent