Parents of students in grades K–12 have access to class schedules, attendance records and grades through the  Parent Portal , an easy-to-use, secure communications tool for the district. Additionally, the Parent Portal enables parents to verify household information, including email, home address and telephone numbers. 

Follow the directions below to activate your account.

New Parent Portal User - Part 1 - Request a Parent Portal Activation Key


To request a Parent Portal Activation Key:

Please note: the Parent Portal Activation Key cannot be provided over the phone.

What you'll need before registering:  

  • Your child's Date of Birth

  • The last four digits of your child's Social Security Number (SSN)

New Parent Portal User - Part 2 - First Time Account Creation

  1. Parents/guardian should go to the Parent Portal Login Page.

  2. Select New User? to open the Campus Portal Activation Key option.

 Activating your Campus Portal Account screen

  1. Another screen will display >> New User?.

  2. Enter the Activation Key assigned to you. Once the Activation Key has been used to create an account, it cannot be used again.

  3. Click the Submit button. The Activation Key will be verified, and when approved, a screen will prompt the user to create a username and password. 

Creating your user name and password

  • Enter a Username. Use an alphanumeric (both letters and numbers) username.

  • Enter a Password. Use an alphanumeric password. Passwords should be at least 6 characters long. 

  • Re-enter the password in the Verify Password field.

  • Click the Create Account button